Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Mint is one of my favorite herbs. I have been collecting as many different species as I can find for a few years and now have about 9 different species.

Mints Species!: 
Mentha citrata - Bergamot Mint 
Mentha × gracilis - Ginger Mint 
Mentha × piperita - Chocolate Mint (steril hybrid)
Mentha niliaca - Egyptian Mint 
Mentha spicata - Spearmint  
Mentha × piperita - Peppermint 
Mentha spicata var. crispa - Curly Mint 
Mentha arvensis - Banana Mint 
*Mentha longifolia subsp. schimperi - Eastern Mint  

Others in the Lamiaceae family:  

Nepeta reichenbachiana - Cat Mint 
Clinopodium douglasii - Yerba Buena (Cal. Native) 
Clinopodium chandleri - San Miguel Savory (Cal. Native) 
Pycnanthemum californicum - California Mountain mint (Cal. Native)  

Pictures coming soon!

*I spent months trying to track down the exact species name of this mint. I cloned it from a plant in my friends yard and discovered that it is fairly rare and originates from somewhere in the Middle East. It has a very intense, almost pungent minty sent. It is quite prolific, as is common to most mints, so I keep it in a pot. It's flowers are white to light light purple and grow on a 3 to 4 pronged spike inflorescence. Very popular with the bees.

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